Matthew Barley/Cellist

Music is the language that permits me to converse with the beyond.

Robert Schumann

All Done at KP…

The residency is over at Kings Place, and what a great week it was! Definitely one of my life’s musical highlights: the chance to play such a huge variety of music so close together, and in such a great acoustic was absolutely wonderful. As the concerts progressed (and audiences grew, which was nice!), it felt clearer and clearer that music was simply music, and that it all comes from deep within human beings where national cultures, styles, genres etc have no place. Music comes from the place in humans where there is simply song, and dance, and happiness and tears or whatever – hallelujah! There were too many favourite moments to list, but the sufi concert was special, as it was so unplanned – I hadn’t even met Ravid before (the hang player), and the Virtual Cellist: what a trip! This performance had several firsts – including the first time that motion capture was used in a live concert, the first live-streaming from Kings Place, and world premieres of pieces by Nitin Sawhney and Duncan Bridgeman. That will be available on Plush TV soon as a download. And also Kit Armstrong, Sanju Sahai and Julian Joseph – what fantastic musicians to share a stage with.


  • Matthew, about the virtual cellist concert. It was STAGGERING, the best thing I have seen for a very, very long time. I brought a friend and we could hardly speak to each other afterwards, the experience was so profound…….. mesmerising……..just beautiful.

    Thank you


  • Matthew says:

    Thanks Jenny – we really enjoyed it; the whole thing was a huge adventure and the whole team was just brilliant – it was a truly joint effort.
    best wishes

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